各位 師長您好:
Dear Colleagues:
- 因應教育部「校園保護智慧財產權行動方案」,校園行政與公共電腦禁止使用非法軟體 (含未授權音樂、電影),且應遵守智慧財產權等相關法令。
In line with MOE “Campus Intellectual Property Rights Protection Project” promotion, use of illegal software programs (including unauthorized music and movies) on public and campus administration computers at Ming Chuan University is prohibited. It is imperative to comply with intellectual property-related protection regulations.
- 煩請各位師長確認:
Each faculty and staff member is kindly asked to check the following:
Make sure that installed software programs on the computers are authorized. If not, please immediately remove unauthorized software programs or purchase legal copies. Furthermore, each faculty member is kindly asked to pay attention to the limitations of the software license agreement.
All faculty and staff members are kindly asked to program the public computers located in the administrative offices, all the department offices and computer classroom computers to display “Comply with intellectual property rights, please do not use illegal software programs”.
- 資訊網路處將定期針對校園行政及公用電腦進行非法軟體抽查。
Information and Network Division will inspect the computers for any untheorized software programs.
- 參考資料
(1) 全校授權軟體請參考:http://infonet.mcu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/43
University-wide software usage license agreement reference: http://infonet.mcu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/43
(2) 建議可使用的免費軟體請參考http://moodle1.mcu.edu.tw/file.php/1/software.html
Free software programs recommendation list:http://moodle1.mcu.edu.tw/file.php/1/software.html